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The Battle at Khazad-dûm Sale
The Fellowship of The Ring Sale
Captains of Erebor™ Sale
Ashrâk & Drûzhag, Goblin Shamans of Moria™ Sale
Durbûrz & Grôblog, Goblin Kings of Moria™ Sale
Dragon Sale
Lake-town™ Captains Sale
Iron Hills Dwarves with Spears Sale
Iron Hills Dwarves with Mattocks Sale
Dáin Ironfoot™, Lord of the Iron Hills Sale
Iron Hills Dwarf Command Sale
Iron Hills Dwarf Warriors Sale
Ambush at Amon Hen Sale
Attack at Weathertop Sale
Nazgûl of Dol Guldur™ Sale
Rutabi and Brórgîr, Heroes of Rhûn Sale
Razgûsh and Muzgúr, Ravagers of the North Sale
Mirkwood Elf Captains Sale
Twilight Ringwraiths Sale
The White Council Sale
Thranduil, the Elvenking Sale
Kârdush the Firecaller Sale
The Witch-king of Angmar™ Sale
Wood Elf Sentinels Sale
Thráin the Broken and Gandalf™ the Grey Sale
Ringwraiths™ of Angmar™ Sale
Spiders of Middle-earth™ Sale
Castellans of Dol Guldur™ Sale
Lórien™ Elf Commanders Sale
The Spider Queen of Mirkwood™ Sale
Vanquishers of the Necromancer™ Sale
BEORN™ & Bear Sale
Knights of Dol Amroth™ Sale
Knights of Dale™ Sale
King Brand & Bard II of Dale™ Sale
Thranduil™, King of the Woodland Realm on Elk Sale
Gwaihir™ the Wind Lord Sale
Vagabonds of the Shire™ – Ted Sandyman and Lotho Sackville-Baggins™ Sale
Personalities of the Shire™ II – Folco Boffin and Farmer Cotton Sale
Shirriffs™ of the Shire™ – Holfoot Bracegirdle and Robin Smallburrow Sale